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    Deutsche Welle: Will the EU Roll Back - Renewables to Cut Energy Costs



At a summit held in Brussels today, European governments declared that the high cost of energy in Europe is impairing the continent's competitiveness.


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Press Notes

Deutsche Welle: Will the EU Roll Back - Renewables to Cut Energy Costs

 EU leaders want to see energy get cheaper to keep European industries competititve. But how to do it without compromising climate goals is controversial. Does it mean a return to fossil fuels?

Renewable energies, such as wind, solar and water, require continued support in Europe, according to EU Commissioner Günther Oettinger. Reductions in greenhouse gases must also continue, the commissioner said adding that 20 percent of Europe's energy demands will be met by renewables by the year 2020.

"A new change in energy policy is not taking place," Oettinger said beforehand on Germany's public ARD television channel. But a path must be found to reduce the price of energy in Europe, he said; particularly, as it affects industry and commercial trade.