• Natural Gas News

    The Guardian: US government says drilling causes earthquakes – what took them so long?



US Geological Survey confirmed the process of injecting wastewater related to the fracking process deep underground using injection wells causes earthquakes


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The Guardian: US government says drilling causes earthquakes – what took them so long?

As the US Geological Survey confirmed on Thursday, in the last seven years, geologically staid parts of the US have seen earthquakes like they haven’t seen for millions of years. And they were triggered by drilling for oil and gas.
Oil and gas drilling triggers man-made earthquakes in eight states, USGS finds
Read more

The drilling – or rather, the process of injecting water deep underground – has been triggering earthquakes in Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Ohio, Oklahoma and Texas.

The most obvious question is: what took you so long, USGS? Over those seven years, other scientists have speculated about whether this rise in earthquakes has anything to do with the injection wells used by the fracking industry to dispose of the water used in the process.

Read the full article HERE