• Natural Gas News

    Standart News: Ukraine adopts anti-Russia gas sanctions, Gazprom only ready to help Europe in return of the South Stream



Ukraine has adopted at first reading its planned sanctions against Russia, among which is stopping the transit of gas, which in turn will affect all of Europe.

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

Standart News: Ukraine adopts anti-Russia gas sanctions, Gazprom only ready to help Europe in return of the South Stream

Ukraine yesterday adopted at first reading its planned sanctions against Russia, among which is stopping the transit of gas, which in turn will affect all of Europe.

Meanwhile, as StandartNews English already reported, Naftogaz offers Russia's GazpromEU companies unaffected by the new sanctions should transport the gas through the Ukrainian territory. Yet, Gazprom seems to be having a condition to agree to help out Europe from the delicate situation: it wants the EU to lift the obstacles in front of its South Stream pipeline, which will carry Russian gas by bypassing Ukraine and thereby also its tendency of stiopping the gas flows.

The Ukrainian lawmakers adopted the draft law on penalties with 243 votes "for". The document contains 29 measures of immediate and effective response to potential threats to national interests and for the national security of Ukraine, including termination of the transit of resources, flights and shipments through Ukrainian territory. In addition, it also provides for freezing some assets, limiting trade, preventing the export capital, the cancellation of licenses, etc.