• Natural Gas News

    The Telegraph: Gas prices could fall by a quarter with shale drilling, Government advisers say



A study by Navigant Consulting indicates that shale gas drilling in Britain could help cut the cost of living for families struggling with average bills of more than £1,300 per year.


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Press Notes

The Telegraph: Gas prices could fall by a quarter with shale drilling, Government advisers say

The study by Navigant Consulting backs up David Cameron's claim that shale gas drilling could help cut the cost of living for families struggling with average bills of more than £1,300 per year.

However, it contrasts with the claims of Ed Davey, the Energy Secretary, that shale gas is "unlikely" to bring down household bills. He has said higher gas prices are probable regardless of the discovery of Britain's shale reserves and used this argument to justify spending billions on wind farms and nuclear power stations.

This week, Mr Davey criticised NPower, an gas and electricity company, for saying that green energy would be a major factor behind rising bills, criticising their "weird" assumption that gas prices would fall.