• Natural Gas News

    GEAI: “Shale Gas, enough lobbying !”, says French MEP



On November 20th, two European Parliament committees are going to discuss the subject of shale gas: the Committee of Environment, Public Health and Food Safety is dealing with the “environmental impacts of shale gas and shale oil extraction activities” and the Committee of Industry, Research and Energy is dealing with “Industrial, energy and other aspects of shale gas and oil”.


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Press Notes

GEAI: “Shale Gas, enough lobbying !”, says French MEP

Next week, on the 20th of November, two European Parliament committees are going to discuss the subject of shale gas. Firstly, the Committee of Environment, Public Health and Food Safety is dealing with the “environmental impacts of shale gas and shale oil extraction activities”. Secondly, the Committee of Industry, Research and Energy is dealing with “Industrial, energy and other aspects of shale gas and oil”.

Corinne Lepage, a French MEP who is a Environment Committee’s member, has published a text column in the newspaper Le Monde. The return of economic growth, cheaper gas for the customers… She refutes these arguments from the petroleum industry.

Why? Speaking about pressure from french oil companies on politicians, she refers probably to the International Energy Agency (IEA)’s report. Next Monday, i.e. one day before the discussion between the Parliament debate, the IEA is going to release a report to defend the so-called benefits of shale gas for economic growth in the US. According to Euractiv, who have read the publication, the IEA said that “These sources could fuel US’s energy independence, and make the country the world’s biggest oil producer by 2017.”