• Natural Gas News

    Centre for Global Energy Studies: Obstacles to shale gas development in Europe



Barriers to unconventional gas development in Europe include: economic obstacles, relative lack of water, a lack of drilling rigs, regulatory framework only being in its early stages, higher population density, land access, complex geology and absence of proven reserves


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Press Notes

Centre for Global Energy Studies: Obstacles to shale gas development in Europe

Unconventional gas pessimists believe that environmental obstacles to shale gas development will be more difficult to overcome in Europe than they have been in the US and that these obstacles will be compounded by issues over access to land and a shortage of rigs.

The main challenges to shale gas development in Europe include:

Absence of proven reserves

The first obstacle to developing a shale gas industry in Europe is the absence, yet, of any proven, economically viable reserves to develop.

The search for economically viable shale gas reserves outside North America is in its infancy, with the first horizontal wells targeting potential shale gas reservoirs only starting to be drilled in recent months. It will take several years for these potential resources to be turned into bankable reserves, even if the exploration drilling is successful.  MORE