• Natural Gas News

    WSJ: Russia's Energy Gives It a Diplomatic Cushion



The international energy companies are busy reassuring the Russians that they will keep working to help develop Russian energy supplies

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

WSJ: Russia's Energy Gives It a Diplomatic Cushion

Of all the lessons one might draw from Russia's bullying of Ukraine, this may be the most coldblooded of all: If you want to behave badly, it helps to have a lot of oil and gas. Much will be forgiven, or at least ignored.

European nations, international energy companies and China are all, in their own ways, driving home the point. The Europeans are afraid of pushing economic sanctions against Moscow too far lest they be cut off from the Russian natural gas that provides a significant share of their energy.

The international energy companies are busy reassuring the Russians that they will keep working to help develop Russian energy supplies, the Ukraine crisis notwithstanding.