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    Foreign Policy: Hungary Is Helping Putin Keep His Chokehold on Europe's Energy



"Clearly there is a pro-Russian shift in Hungarian energy policy," said David Koranyi deputy director of the Eurasia Center at the Atlantic Council


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Foreign Policy: Hungary Is Helping Putin Keep His Chokehold on Europe's Energy

Europe and the United States are trying to build a common front to push back against Russian aggression, and especially to pry the energy weapon out of Russian president Vladimir Putin's hand. But one member of the team seems to be switching jerseys.

Hungary, under the leadership of Prime Minister Viktor Orban, has increasingly hewed to a more pro-Russian policy in recent months by doing huge deals with Moscow and criticizing Western sanctions on Russia, which is prompting angst from Brussels to the Beltway. The tilt toward Moscow is especially apparent when it comes to energy, which is itself at the root of European fear about what Russia has done in the past and could do again.

Hungary's latest move was to authorize construction Monday of the South Stream pipeline, a pet project of Putin's which is meant to offer an end-run around Ukraine for Russian natural gas exports headed for Europe. In the wake of the annexation of the Crimean peninsula and Russian armed disturbances in the eastern part of Ukraine, Europe slammed the brakes earlier this year on the $70 billion project. Europe is afraid the pipeline violates EU competition law and will only serve to increase reliance on Russian gas.