• Natural Gas News

    RT: ​Gazprom to Substitute Engineering Supplies from Pro-Sanctions Countries



Russia's Gazprom has said that it will cease using engineering supplies from firms in pro-sanction countries, including Motorola, Siemens, and Kenwood

by: Erica Mills

Posted in:

Press Notes

RT: ​Gazprom to Substitute Engineering Supplies from Pro-Sanctions Countries

Gazprom, Russia’s largest gas company plans to expand the program of import substitution by no longer buying metal and engineering products from more than 400 foreign firms, which could mean $2.5 billion in lost orders from Russia.

From now on metal products and machinery items, including agricultural and road construction equipment will be purchased mainly from Russian producers, “except in case the goods are not produced, or there is no counterpart, in Russia,” Vedomosti reports Tuesday referring to a Gazprom document.

The companies on Gazprom’s ‘blacklist’ include suppliers from about 20 countries. Firms from the US (Caterpillar, Motorola), Germany (Siemens, MAN Turbo), France (Schlumberger, Schneider Electric), the UK and Japan (Sumitomo, Kenwood, Kawasaki) make up more than a quarter of the companies affected, according to the document obtained by Vedomosti.

Read the full article HERE.