• Natural Gas News

    Pulse.com.gh: Gas to Power - Delivering Fast and Flexible Electricity in Africa



Natural gas--and gas to power projects--could help to alleviate Africa's energy and electricity crisis, Pulse writes

by: Erica Mills

Posted in:

Press Notes, Africa

Pulse.com.gh: Gas to Power - Delivering Fast and Flexible Electricity in Africa

The inadequacy of electricity supply is a fact of life in nearly every sub-Saharan country. But while power constraints are a challenge of everyday life, they are also inspiring innovative solutions as government and industry look to keep Africa’s lights glowing.

Bringing power to big cities and local communities alike is not an effort that can be undertaken by a sole party. Government, trade associations, international development organisations, industry leaders and other stakeholders are all key components of the strategic partnerships needed to lead the charge. Ultimately, the goal is to deliver, in a holistic, cost-effective way, gas-fired powered generation to under-served markets. GE refers to this approach as its “Gas to  Power” (GTP) initiative and is premised on the ability to get natural gas to locations that need power.

Natural gas is a key contender to alleviate Africa’s energy crisis.

Read the full article HERE.