• Natural Gas News

    The Guardian: Why Is Fracking Bad? You Asked Google – Here's the Answer



In an analysis piece for The Guardian, Adam Vaughan weighs up the risks and the benefits of shale and fracking in the United Kingdom

by: Erica Mills

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Press Notes

The Guardian: Why Is Fracking Bad? You Asked Google – Here's the Answer

You don’t have to look hard for stories of people who think fracking is bad. There are the two children in Pennsylvania who were given a lifelong gagging order over talking about fracking after a settlement with an oil and gas company. A woman in north Texas experienced nosebleeds, nausea and headaches after drilling started near her home. And in Barnhart, Texas, peopleblame fracking for the town running out of water.

Even advocates for the industry admit to examples of people having views near their homes obscured by fracking rigs popping up, or of their homes being devalued by fracking.

Some countries, such as France and Germany, think it’s bad enough to warrant banning, though the latter is considering lifting its moratorium. New York State banned it, citing risks to public health.

Yet there is nothing inherently bad about fracking, or hydraulic fracturing. The technique is a way of extracting natural gas, which is mostly methane, from shale rock formations that are often deep underground. 

Read the full article HERE.