• Natural Gas News

    The Journal: Fracking - is it safe? - Peter McCusker exmaines the impact of fracking in the UK



With Prime Minster David Cameron signalling the Government's intent to go all out for shale gas, Peter McCusker examines the safety concerns of its opponents.


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The Journal: Fracking - is it safe? - Peter McCusker exmaines the impact of fracking in the UK

Durham University is currently leading the biggest European-wide project of its kind into the risks associated with fracking for shale oil and gas.

In partnership with other national and international bodies, including Newcastle University, its ReFINE (Researching Fracking in Europe) project aims to create a library of independent research to help inform public awareness of the relative risks associated with the industry.

Its findings are being published in 13 languages including Arabic, Chinese, Portuguese, Spanish and French.

This research is timely as earlier this week David Cameron said: “We’re going all out for shale. It will mean more jobs and opportunities for people, and economic security for our country.”

Cameron is keen to see the UK replicate the United States where the shale gas has led to a two-thirds fall in the price of natural gas, helping businesses and households slash fuel bills.

The Government wants to see around 40 exploratory UK wells drilled by the end of 2015 – and its commitment has this week seen French oil major Total invest in the UK shale industry.  MORE