• Natural Gas News

    Euractiv: Europe’s 2050 energy roadmap: The quiet revolution



In the midst of an existential crisis, the EU’s recently released Energy Roadmap 2050 represents a rare opportunity for the bloc to demonstrate unity, vision and leadership, writes Will Andrews, from FTI Consulting Brussels, an advisory firm


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Press Notes

Euractiv: Europe’s 2050 energy roadmap: The quiet revolution

In the midst of an existential crisis, the EU’s recently-released Energy Roadmap 2050 represents a rare opportunity for the bloc to demonstrate unity, vision and leadership. It certainly doesn’t lack ambition: the Commission’s stated objective is to reduce overall greenhouse gas emissions by over 80% by 2050 compared to 1990 levels. However the recent history of EU energy initiatives makes it impossible not to approach the road ahead with considerable trepidation. 

Initiative? There’s loads of that... HERE