• Natural Gas News

    Focus: Energy poverty of households in Bulgaria endangers our energy security: exprt



Bulgarian households have reached the limit of their possibilities in terms of covering their energy expenses, which threatens the country's energy security.


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Press Notes

Focus: Energy poverty of households in Bulgaria endangers our energy security: exprt

“Bulgarian households have reached the limit of their possibilities in terms of covering their energy expenses, which is a threat at the energy security of Bulgaria,” said Ruslan Stefanov, economic programme director at the Centre for the Study of Democracy, speaking for Radio FOCUS.

Stefanov explained that the energy poverty was hampering the Bulgarian citizens and the business from diversifying their energy sources. The expert also pointed at the constantly changing energy prices in the country as another problem that needed to be paid attention to.
“Practically, the Bulgarian economy cannot react to the price shocks and it is impossible for the country to avoid them. 

What we notice is that in the very moment the oil or gas price are increased, it becomes absolutely not possible for the Bulgarian economy to shift to any kind of other energy sources or alternative suppliers. The use of different energy sources is impossible, too.  MORE