• Natural Gas News

    Peterborough Telegraph: Darren Bisby-Boyd - We Must Put People First, Not Fracking (UK)



Despite the pro-government support for fracking in the UK as a bridge to renewable energy, Green Party Councillor Darren Bisby-Boyd says it's not worth the risk

by: Erica Mills

Posted in:

Press Notes

Peterborough Telegraph: Darren Bisby-Boyd - We Must Put People First, Not Fracking (UK)

The Green Party has labelled government plans to ‘fast-track’ fracking in the UK as “reckless”. The proposed plans would see test drilling go ahead without the need to consult with local residents.

Fracking remains a controversial subject amongst many communities, there has been strong research conducted in Australia and the USA to link fracking to water contamination, methane leaks, environmental degradation and negative impacts on human health. Those that support fracking in the UK argue that with stringent measures in place the method will be safe and can act as a bridge between fossil fuels and renewables. I could not disagree more with the previous statement.

Read the full article HERE.