• Natural Gas News

    Focus: PM Boyko Borisov: Bulgaria gas talks insist on short-term contracts



Bulgaria insists on short term contracts citing advances in technology and diversification of supply as a justification for paying higher prices associated with short term contracts as they will likely be more cost effective in the future.


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Press Notes

Focus: PM Boyko Borisov: Bulgaria gas talks insist on short-term contracts

“Europe's position on the issue of natural gas is different for different countries”, Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov told journalists in the town of Povdiv, a reporter of Radio Focus Plovdiv announced.  "Our pragmatic position is Nabucco, interconnectors, in order to transit gas from Azerbaijan when they are ready," the Prime Minister said. In his opinion the greatest diversification that's our gas that will come out in other places, not only in Khan Asparouh block. So in negotiations Bulgaria insists on short-term contracts”, Borisov said. “Even if they are more expensive at the moment in the future they will come out cheaper. It would not be advantageous to sign contracts for 20 to 30 years, and during that time technology to advance”, he said.  MORE