• Natural Gas News

    WBJ: Azoty mulling importing gas from the US



Poland's biggest chemical holding Grupa Azoty is in talks to start buying natural gas in the United States


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WBJ: Azoty mulling importing gas from the US

Poland's biggest chemical holding Grupa Azoty is in talks to start buying natural gas in the United States, the company's CEO Krzysztof Jałosiński told business daily Parkiet. The company could have it transported through the LNG terminal in Świnoujście, now under construction.

“It is not an easy project, as in the USA the export of gas requires special permits. It is possible, however,” Mr Jałosiński said.

In recent years, thanks to technological developments that allow for the extraction of gas trapped in shale rock, the US has become the world’s largest producer of natural gas. As a result, the fuel has become much cheaper in the US than in other countries. A thousand cubic feet of natural gas costs $3-$4 in the US, while in Europe the same amount costs around $12.