• Natural Gas News

    Reuters: Insight - Mozambique Gas Projects Raise Risk of Resource "Curse"



Reuters looks at the money pouring into poverty-stricken Mozambique owing to its gas finds and highlights the potential social issues the situation could cause

by: Erica Mills

Posted in:

Press Notes, Africa

Reuters: Insight - Mozambique Gas Projects Raise Risk of Resource "Curse"

Carlos Candido has been fishing in Mozambican waters for three decades, unaware until recently of huge gas deposits beneath the ocean floor. Now the gas wealth is about to be released, Candido wishes it had never been found.

Up the coast from where he lives in northern Mozambique, thousands of people face resettlement to make way for planned gas projects in an area where money is already starting to flow, bringing unwanted consequences such as a rise in prostitution.

Read the full article HERE.