• Natural Gas News

    Zeta Petroleum Spuds Bobocu Well



Australian-listed Zeta Petroleum has announced that it has spudded its first well on the Bobocu gas field in Romania, the Bobocu 310 appraisal development well.


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Natural Gas & LNG News, News By Country, Romania

Zeta Petroleum Spuds Bobocu Well

Australian-listed Zeta Petroleum has announced that it has spudded its first well on the Bobocu gas field in Romania, the Bobocu 310 appraisal development well.

The spudding of the well restarts activity on the previously producing Bobocu field, previously operated by Romanian gas company Romgaz, 17 years after production stopped on the field. In a previous statement, Zeta Petroleum said that the field had stopped producing due to a number of factors, including poor understanding of the field. However, it said that it had the technology and the understanding to realise the field's remaining potential.

"We are very excited about the Bobocu 310 well operation," Managing Director of Zeta Stephen West said at the beginning of July. "We have spent a number of years de-risking the field through desk based studies and 3D seismic and the project is now ripe for drilling."

Bobocu 310 will be drilled to a depth of 2,700 metres and is expected to be completed in 30 days. Following the completion of the drilling, the company will then take 10 days to complete logging and testing of the well.

The appraisal well will target two delta lobes in the Pontian interval, which the company expects to have a P50 estimate of gas-initially-in-place (GIIP) of over 25 billion cubic feet (bcf). 

Zeta is the operator of the Bobocu field and holds a 100 per cent stake in that licence.