• Natural Gas News

    Unconventional Gas China 2010



Unconventional gas is attracting renewed interest due to enhancements in technology and continuing domestic natural gas shortages. China is actively...

by: M_Davies

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China, Shale Gas , News By Country

Unconventional Gas China 2010

Unconventional gas is attracting renewed interest due to enhancements in technology and continuing domestic natural gas shortages. China is actively sourcing and producing unconventional gas in order to meet the increasing demand for energy. According to the National Plan, unconventional gas is expected to meet 15 percent of forecasted domestic demand by 2020. In order to achieve the determined target, the government has issued incentives to support technology and equipment innovation.

Unconventional Gas China 2010
to be held on November 18-19 in Ordos, Inner Mongolia will bring together government officials, industry leaders, solution providers, project developers and experts from China's unconventional gas industries to discuss new governmental support policies and legislation, examine new technologies as well as provide a detailed overview of project developments across China. In order to foster the most productive networking environment possible, at the event you will meet face-to-face with key buyers actively seeking technological solutions for their existing and future projects. Meet pre-qualified industry leaders, create new partnerships and alliances and showcase new technologies and applications to a targeted audience of decision makers. Noppen is one of the leading producers of business conferences and professional trainings in Asia.

Unconventional Gas China 2010 presents an excellent opportunity for industry participants to gaining insight into the Chinese market and to establish valuable contacts.

For more information on this event,  please contact:
Catriona Scanlon, Communications Manager
Email: catrionas@noppen.com.cn
T: +86 21 6085 1000 - F: +86 21 6192 1908
Website : www.noppen.com.cn