• Natural Gas News

    All Africa: Tanzania - Reps Query 'Illegal' Oil and Gas Exploration



A number of Tanzanian lawmakers have questioned the legality of oil and gas exploration of oil and gas on Latham island without Zanzibar government permission

by: Erica Mills

Posted in:

Press Notes, Africa

All Africa: Tanzania - Reps Query 'Illegal' Oil and Gas Exploration

Some lawmakers, led by Mohammed Raza (CCMUzini), have raised concern over continued exploration of oil and gas and deep sea fishing on Latham island without permission of the Zanzibar government.

Latham island, historically known as Kizimkazi and locally known as Fungu Mbaraka, is a small coral island located about 35 nautical miles south-east of Unguja island and about 25 nautical miles east of Ras Kimbiji on the Tanzania Mainland coastline.

Read the full article HERE.