• Natural Gas News

    Sun News: Shale Gas: Nigeria to compete with US in Europe



These are certainly bad times for the nation’s oil and gas sector as Nigeria is to face stiff com­petition with US in the fight for Europe and Asia market.

by: Sruthi

Posted in:

Press Notes, Africa

Sun News: Shale Gas: Nigeria to compete with US in Europe

These are certainly bad times for the nation’s oil and gas sector as Nigeria is to face stiff com­petition with US in the fight for Europe and Asia crude oil market.

The United States, which hitherto was the biggest buyer of Nigeria’s crude, dumped the country following the discovery of Shale oil and gas in commer­cial quantity, with the halt in the importation of crude oil from Nigeria.

The Obama administra­tion has opened a new front in the global battle for oil market share, effectively clearing the way for the shipment of as much as one million barrels per day of ultra-light US crude to the rest of the world.

The US Department of Commerce on Tuesday ended a year-long silence on a conten­tious, four-decade ban on oil exports, saying it had begun ap­proving a backlog of requests to sell processed light oil abroad. It also issued a long-awaited document outlining exactly what kinds of oil other would-be exporters can ship.