• Natural Gas News

    Searcher starts acquisition of 3D survey offshore PNG


Deliverables for the Nanamarope 3D will be available by late Q3 2023. [Image: Searcher]

by: Shardul Sharma

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Natural Gas & LNG News, Asia/Oceania, News By Country, Papua New Guinea

Searcher starts acquisition of 3D survey offshore PNG

Australian data company Searcher, in collaboration with Papua New Guinea’s department of petroleum & energy and Larus Energy, has initiated the Nanamarope 3D multi-client seismic survey in the offshore Gulf of Papua.

“We are thrilled to expand our presence in Papua New Guinea with the Nanamarope 3D survey, which will directly facilitate the next level of exploration in this rapidly developing global hotspot,” said Alan Hopping, managing director of Searcher. “Fast-track deliverables for the Nanamarope 3D will be available by late Q3 2023, ensuring timely access for stakeholders and industry evaluation.”

Covering multiple permits, this survey spans an area of 1,919 km2 and aims to evaluate and mitigate risks associated with various prospective plays within the Mesozoic and Tertiary intervals. The survey will enhance imaging of secondary play types and improve the understanding of subsurface velocity contrasts, Searcher said.