• Natural Gas News

    News24: Fracking - Let's Not



Geochemist Andreas Wilson-Späth argues that, though the South African government believes fracking will be a game changer, it's still a terrible idea

by: Erica Mills

Posted in:

Press Notes, Africa

News24: Fracking - Let's Not

One of the things about bad ideas is that they almost never miraculously turn into good ones. Another is that those who believe in them frequently find it really hard to change their minds, even in the face of overwhelming evidence.

Take fracking and the South African government, for instance. We’ve known for years that fracking is a terrible idea – a dirty, water-thirsty, inappropriate, climate-changing mistake that will only make an elite few rich and have the rest of us left with a mess for decades to come.

Having guzzled down the fossil fuel industry’s Kool-Aid with gusto, however, the SA government remains enamoured with the controversial natural gas extraction technique, believing it to be a ‘game changer’. Alas, fracking hasn’t magically transformed into a good idea as even a cursory glance at recent research shows...

Read the full article HERE.