• Natural Gas News

    Newsweek Pakistan: The TAPI Pipeline Conundrum



The risks are huge, but so are the potential rewards, as plans advance for a pipeline carrying natural gas from central Asia to energy-hungry south Asia through the wilds of Afghanistan and Pakistan.


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Newsweek Pakistan: The TAPI Pipeline Conundrum

The risks are huge, but so are the potential rewards, as plans advance for a pipeline carrying natural gas from central Asia to energy-hungry south Asia through the wilds of Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Stretching 1,700 kilometers from the gasfields of Turkmenistan to the fast-developing northwest region of India, the pipeline is an ambitious infrastructure dream that could transform the region’s fortunes.

Pakistan and India are desperate to boost their energy supplies, and the pipeline also offers a lucrative money-earning opportunity for Afghanistan as international aid funding declines in the years ahead. All three countries have signed contracts with Turkmenistan, where one-sixth of the world’s natural gas reserves are believed to be deposited deep underground.

But Turkmenistan, which was part of the Soviet Union until 1991, is an isolated autocracy, and it is proving a hard negotiating partner in the crucial months before the NATO military pullout is completed by the end of 2014.

“We always talk about Afghanistan as a bridge between central and south Asia, and this would be the first example to be implemented and prove we can do regional integration,” said Abdul Jalil Jumriany, policy director at the Afghan mines ministry. “Right now the ball is in Turkmenistan’s court. Afghanistan, Pakistan and India, all of them have thrown in their support as much as they can.” MORE