• Natural Gas News

    India's Gas Demand Likely to Jump 55% by 2016-17



India's natural gas demand is expected to reach 378 million standard cubic meters a day by 2016-17, a rise of 55 per cent from the figures recorded in 2012-13.

by: shardul

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India's Gas Demand Likely to Jump 55% by 2016-17

India's natural gas demand is expected to reach 378 million standard cubic meters a day by 2016-17, a rise of 55 per cent from the figures recorded in 2012-13.

According to study commissioned by India’s Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (PNGRB), by 2021-22 demand is likely to be 516.97 mmscmd, reports Press Trust of India.

However, gas availability in the country will fall short of demand, the study says.

Domestic production of 101.1 mmscmd in 2012-13 will rise to 182 mmscmd by 2021-22 while import of liquified natural gas (LNG) is projected to jump from 44.6 mmscmd to 188 in 10 years, Press Trust quotes from the study.

The total availability of gas in 2016-17 at 299.7 mmscmd will be way short of the demand.

In 2021-22, the study says cross border pipeline may start flowing 30 mmscmd of fuel raising the total availability to 400 mmscmd, still short of the requirement.