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    [GGP] Local content and procurement requirements in oil and gas contracts: Regional trends in the Middle East and North Africa


This paper examines how local content and procurement requirements have evolved in the MENA region.

by: OIES | Damilola Olawuyi

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Global Gas Perspectives

[GGP] Local content and procurement requirements in oil and gas contracts: Regional trends in the Middle East and North Africa

The statements, opinions and data contained in the content published in Global Gas Perspectives are solely those of the individual authors and contributors and not of the publisher and the editor(s) of Natural Gas World.  

This is an abstract of a paper originally published by the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies in November 2017.

Resource-rich countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, especially Gulf countries – Kuwait, Iran, Iraq, Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) – are increasingly inserting local content requirements (LCRs) into their legal framework, through legislation, regulations, guidelines, industry contracts and bidding practices. Despite the clear and uniform overall policy drivers of LCRs and product mandating requirements in the MENA region, approaches taken to enforce LCRs vary and must be carefully understood and clarified to avoid misalignments and contractual mismatch between governments and international oil companies. This paper examines how local content and procurement requirements have evolved in the MENA region. It provides a comparative analysis and profile of LCRs in MENA countries, in order to determine prevailing preferences and legal risk points. It concludes with recommendations on how investors and national authorities can evolve collaborative and achievable LCRs that minimise disputes and legal risks.

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The statements, opinions and data contained in the content published in Global Gas Perspectives are solely those of the individual authors and contributors and not of the publisher and the editor(s) of Natural Gas World.