• Natural Gas News

    Forbes: Is India Ready for Shale Gas?



There is a high degree of expectation around the new shale gas policy due to emerge as per recent announcements from MoPNG. EIA estimates put...


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Forbes: Is India Ready for Shale Gas?

There is a high degree of expectation around the new shale gas policy due to emerge as per recent announcements from MoPNG. EIA estimates put India’s recoverable shale gas reserves at ~60 trillion cubic feet (TCF). For context, India’s current annual gas consumption is ~2 TCF. 

Everyone knows that development of shale gas in USA has transformed its energy dynamics and boosted its economy – increasing manufacturing output thanks to the now low cost of gas as fuel for power and feedstock for industry. Could shale gas be the panacea for India’s energy needs? Can we too enjoy the same transformation seen in USA? To answer these questions, we first need to understand what exactly is shale gas, how is it extracted, what are its pitfalls and finally we need to learn from the shale gas experience of other countries. MORE