• Natural Gas News

    Mandatory Environmental Impact Assessment for Shale Gas Drilling



The Environment Committee of the European Parliament has voted in favour of imposing mandatory Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) for all shale gas drilling activities in the European Union.


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Natural Gas & LNG News, Shale Gas , Environment

Mandatory Environmental Impact Assessment for Shale Gas Drilling

The Environment Committee of the European Parliament has voted in favour of imposing mandatory Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA's) for all shale gas drilling activities in the European Union.

The ruling will require that all work planned to be undertaken to identify underground shares reserves will move forward only upon the approval of environmental assessments.

Opponents to the development of unconventional hydrocarbons through the use of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) hailed the result as a major victory.

“This vote to impose a mandatory EIA for all shale gas drilling was a litmus test for the resolve among MEPs to demand an adequate risk-management framework for shale gas activities in Europe,” said Food & Water Europe policy officer Geert De Cock.

“The majority in favour of this proposal should be a boost of confidence for Environment Commissioner Potocnick to bring forward stringent proposals for this risky industry,” continued De Cock.

In November 2012, the European Parliament rejected calls for a moratorium on shale gas extraction across the Union, but stated caution must be exercised and "robust" regulation should be in force.

Shale gas opponents have called for stringent rules on chemicals use in the fracturing process, as well as expressing widespread concern on matters including well integrity, waste management, air quality and methane emissions.

The European Commission is scheduled to publish its proposals for a risk-management framework for unconventional hydrocarbon activities by the end of 2013.