• Natural Gas News

    China's Natural Gas Consumption Dropped 5% in May



China consumed 13.5 billion cubic meters of natural gas in May, down 5 percent year on year, reported Xinhua Finance Tuesday.

by: shardul

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China's Natural Gas Consumption Dropped 5% in May

China consumed 13.5 billion cubic meters of natural gas in May, down 5 percent year on year, reported Xinhua Finance Tuesday.

The news agency, citing data from National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), said the country produced 10.3 billion cubic meters of natural gas in May, down 0.4 percent year on year.

Country's natural gas imports dropped 9.4 percent on year to 4.4 billion cubic meters during the month.

During the period Jan-May, China produced 55.5 billion cubic meters of natural gas, up 4 percent year on year. Its natural gas imports jumped 5.6 percent reaching 24.7 billion cubic meters in the first five months of 2015.

Chinese consumption of natural gas increased 2.1 percent to 77.2 billion cubic meters in Jan-May, Xinhua Finance reported.