• Natural Gas News

    Yahoo: 40 Algerian Police Wounded in Anti-Shale Gas Protest



In rising tensions over shale gas exploration in Algeria, 40 police officers have been injured in In-Salah by anti-fracking protesters

by: Erica Mills

Posted in:

Press Notes, Africa

Yahoo: 40 Algerian Police Wounded in Anti-Shale Gas Protest

Forty police officers were wounded in clashes with demonstrators opposed to shale gas exploration in the Algerian Sahara, the Interior Ministry announced.

"The town of In-Salah saw incidents involving public order, initiated by a group of young people protesting against shale gas operations in the region," the ministry said in a statement.

It said the clashes "caused injuries to 40 police officers, including two who were seriously injured."

Protesters set fire to the local government offices of In-Salah district and the residence of the district chief, as well as part of a police dormitory and a police truck.

Read the full article HERE.